Sunday, December 26, 2010

Patent Pending Soo Bahk Do, Kyo Sa Approved Snow Shoveling Technique

Just kidding no patent pending but I do approve of my method ;)

Having our first big snow of the season I rediscovered my Soo Bahk Do inspired snow shoveling move.

  1. Load up the shovel with snow.
  2. Left hand about middle of shovel handle, Right hand at end.
  3. Left leg is forward Right is behind.
  4. Push your hip forward moving your right leg forward pushing the thigh against the shovel handle at about mid point between your two hands.
  5. As soon as your thigh hits the handle push down with your Right (rear) hand making your thigh the pivot point while your hip and leg continue to push forward and up.
  6. Use your Left hand to guide the shovel and snow to its destination.
No back bend or back muscle should be used for this technique. Very lows stress and relatively easy to shovel the heavy snow of the East Coast without getting a sore back or over stressing yourself.

Let it snow!

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