I should put a disclaimer before each of these emails... my interpretation the morning after with most probably misinterpretations.
Class was about 12 people 3 Master the rest 2nd and 3rd Don's.
The focus of the class was on Moo Do Jassie which is the theme of the year. Kwan Ja Nim explained the importance of Moo Do Jassie, that it is not just physical but also one's sprit. ( I am missing so much, sorry )
We started our practices of Moo Do Jassie physically through our Hyung. We did Du Moon and (form after Du Moon, Cutting trough the middle). We did the hyung 1 time together and then on our own or with groups while Kwan Ja Nim walked the floor giving corrections. KJN then asked us each what we focused on while doing the hyungs. He then related each of the answers back to how this could help them with their Moo Do Jassie. KJN then spoke about how having a stable stance was important that while we moved from position to position it was important to has stillness.
When moving from say a punch to a block that the punching arm is not pulled in by the arm but is connected to our center and moved through our center/hips. He then walked us through the two hyungs demonstrating each motion for us. The opportunity to practice like this is as visa would say, "priceless".
Second hyung Joon Jul.:
From one motion to the next KJN described it as "easy, your already done, just move the hip". The concept was that from one position to the next there was very little needed to be done. The arm would just follow the directions they were given by your center. This is hard to describe through few words, a picture would be better.
Most of our time was spent on the motion where our hands our out to our sides at shoulder level palms up. the Prep motion for this is to contract the body with the arms crossed between the wrists and elbows in front of the belt knot. the next move is to "open up like a flower" by continuing the circular direction of the arms in front of the body raising up through the middle in front of the face reaching up high and then settling them down to the sides a bit above shoulder height expanding the body.
The next motion of focus was the end of the first half. The contraction of the body and brining the two hand in front of the body ready for the lunging punch. The right fish is horizontal and the left vertical. The hip pushes the left fist forward letting the right swing back with the hammer fist to the groin area. Again no real upper body motion, all from the center with the body expanding. The next move where I used to do a hop no longer has a hop but more of a stepping slide. So as you contract to switch your feed and do a double middle block in cat stance(sung soo chung don makie) you ****** need to do this to write it.... fill in later.....*******
The next correction was not just for a specific move but all. We were going over the double sweeping soo do blocks when KJN described how we should feel our energy going out through our finger tips. Our kee energy should flow through our fingers on each motion to help us keep our body connected and moving as one. He then demonstrated where he held back this flow of energy and the with. The physiclal difference was very noticable, the body parts moved as independant parts vs flowing as one. He then described this a coming from focusing your thoughts.
We then moved on to some basic sparring combos.
1. Right foot back to start, reverse high punch, stepping revers center punch. Most your energy should be spent on this second punch.
- My correction was that I leaned my body forward a bit into the second punch thus destabilizing my balance. How could I then continue if needed, I was over committed.
2. from a fighting stance right leg back, move the center/hip back while contracting allowing the front left hand to rotate 10-15 deg (naturally) across the front of your body while dropping the right hand down, hammer to partners shoulder while expanding the body and with the circular motion of the hip sweeping the left hand in front of the body to clear it if needed. Partner does high block, while you step in doing reverse middle punch, partner accepts this punch stepping back. (finished first bit)
Add on inside/out kick but off back leg not front. This will ensure that you are maintaing your balance and have a good Moo Do Jassie at this point. When done with in/out kick, you should also have good balance to continue if needed.
KJN then when on to say how all these little and big things greatly differentiated our art from other and everyone could see this when we do our hyungs, etc., but as soon as we step into a sparring ring we all look the same. We should bring this Moo Do Jassie to our sparring as well.
I think this will be a difficult bad habit to break, but I can see how this would give us a great advantage if achieved.
Other observations:
When moving into say a front stance, last class I described how when KJN does a punch or block the floor shakes. We were given a bit of insight into this last night. We do not want to force the movement(stomping) but if we allow our body to remain connected and follow our center while being still, this is will naturally happen. Your feet should not slide forward after landing (this will loose your connection to the earth) but the body should stop or the motion should end, everything stops moving at once. If done correctly, it looks and feels effortless.
I feel I achieved this (not 100% but better then ever before) 1 time which is a major break through for me.
I wonder if he would allow the filming and posting of the classes on the SooBahkDo.tv site? I still need to breach the subject of open source with him but the time has not be rite yet.
Do Jang character also means to change, so the studio is a place for changing things.
e-book of existing books with details behind each move (videos, voice overs)
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